domingo, 10 de maio de 2009

Am I alive?

Sometimes I close the door and, sweetly, I stop, standing and reading the words you used to tell me, so wildly, when we were free.
Like a mountain that keeps you away of climbing, my heart feels inept of reaching the darkness your soul hides, blinding you, causing pain on me.

I whisper.

Sometimes I dream about you. And I remember when you held me, the sun seemed higher, distance was far away, and we felt safe together. There was nothing able to make us appart, for we were untouchable. We were one.

I cry.

Sometimes I miss you. I stare at the sky and my soul remembers when there were no heart tight spots. In my world, there was only our dream, our life, our feeling. Mistery was beautiful, and missing you was a sign that one day we'ld hold each other, once more. Stars used to show me the way to meet you again. My greenish thoughts didn't shed blood anymore. Until now.

I hope.

5 comentários:

Sara S. disse...

Belas palavras minha amiga, e o teu vocabulário a inglês é muito bom mesmo. Talvez não compreenda na totalidade o que sentes, mas aos poucos e poucos, através dessas sentimentais palavras, vou captando algumas das tuas emoções e do teu sentir. Keep hoping that better times will come. Beijinhos

Mikax_Pkc disse...

É bom ver que os teus conhecimentos de inglês são bem aproveitados =p Glad to know ur practicing outside class..

Yep, U sure are alive doll!

Btw, Twilight totally rules!! =p

Micae disse...
Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.
Joana Torres disse...

Alive, indeed, my dear friend =)

Oh quam sancta, quam serena,
quam benigna, quam amoena,
oh castitatis Lilium

Micae disse...

Acho que vais é k ja nao conheces claro =P

beijoo e boas ferias!